A number of DkIT courses have a placement module to them and for this, the student has to work in an area related to their course. The benefits to the student is that they gain “real” experience in the “real” world.  Dkit are doing a call out to local companies for placements for engineering students.

They have Mechanical (Level 7/8) and Electrical & Electronic (Level 7/8) students who are due to go out on an 8 week placement in May time but there is scope for extension due to when it falls if it meets both parties needs.

They have had really good experiences in the past and it would be great to extend to more local companies as many of our students are based in the local area.

See below links to the courses that include some of the modules included.

BEng Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering

BEng Hons Electrical and Electronic Engineering

BEng Mechanical Engineering

BEng Hons Mechanical Engineering


The School of Engineering at DkIT is comprised of three engineering departments including:

→ Department of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering

→ Department of the Built Environment

→ Department of Engineering Trades & Civil Engineering

The School offers a broad range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level across areas including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, construction management, architectural technology, building surveying, in addition to the provision of engineering trades.