Dundalk Chamber has continued to be the voice of business in the region. We lobby local and national Government and State Agencies on issues affecting the development of the region. We have raised issues such as
- Brexit and the Windsor Agreement,
- Cross Border Workers (in conjunction with InterTradeIreland and Cross Border Partnership Employment Services (CBPES), embassy officials and politicians.
- Housing and Transport
- Promoting shop local – keeping Dundalk’s town centre vibrant
- Upskilling and CPD (Continued Professional Development
- Tourism initiatives through our engagement with stakeholders.
We have participated fully with Louth County Council, directly with the Special Policy Committees and with the Local Employment Office (LEO). We attend and speak at several shared island events, raising concerns over Cross Border workers; access to universities; tourism and transport. The Chamber is committed to www.m1corridor.ie and will continue to support and promote it at every opportunity. This includes financial commitments.
The Chamber has representation on the following:
Dundalk Chamber objectives the our Lobbying pillar include:
- Promote a dynamic, globally competitive and sustainable region, offering an excellent quality of life – informed by our vision and policies.
- Represent Dundalk businesses, regardless of size, across all sectors of the economy, working to ensure that the views of our business community are understood and that their concerns are addressed by key decision makers and stakeholders.
- Identify issues relevant to Dundalk businesses and through a constructive dialogue built upon strong relationships, convene discussions to listen, explore, inform, and influence in order to develop coherent and well thought out policies positions.
- Inform our position to our members primarily, other relevant organisations and then to the general public.
- Develop further and sustain a strong network of relevant stakeholders and other decision makers including Local Government other Chambers and Chambers Ireland (paying attention to changes of personal).
- Highlight all the initiatives the Chamber is involved to self-promote.
For further information contact Dundalk Chamber PRO Paddy Malone at pro@dundalk.ie